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VENUM Boxing Shoes ボクシングシューズ Contender ブラック/ホワイト

VENUM Boxing Shoes ボクシングシューズ Contender ブラック/ホワイト [vn-shoes-bx-contender-bkwh] 拡大写真と詳細は写真をクリック

ポイント/Point: 5%

  • [価格]\14,500(税込 Incl.Tax)
  • 足/pair(s)
  • 売切れ

ヴェナム ボクシングシューズ コンテンンダーモデル
VENUM Boxing Shoes Contender Model

色/Color:ブラック/ホワイト Black/White

ポイント/Point: 5%!

Free Shipping! (Domestic excluding Okinawa and other islands.)


*このヴェナム コンテンダー ボクシング シューズはヴェナムの Elite または Contender 2.0 シリーズのボクシンググローブと組み合わせると相性が良いようにデザインされています。

The Venum Contender Boxing Shoe is designed for fighters from beginners to experts, who need a lightweight shoe with excellent stability and support.

*An excellent choice for low- to medium-intensity training, the construction of the Venum Contender outsole was developed through feedback from professional fighters.
*The excellent lateral support offered by the semi-high upper makes it possible to maneuver out of precarious positions. Defensive footwork and movement will be handled with ease!
*The "Honeycomb" mesh allows the foot to breathe more even during the most intense workouts, it is also designed to be durable to provide the shoe with a very long life.
*Anatomical insole provides further stability throughout the shoe, connecting you to the ring. Glued insole to prevent the risk of slipping.
*Venum logo at the heel and on the tongue.
*Pair the Venum Contender Boxing Shoe with boxing gloves from Venum’s Elite or Contender 2.0 ranges.


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