アルマ柔術着 国産 レギュラーモデル ALMA BJJ Gi Regular Model Made in Japan 日本製 Made in JAPAN 信頼の国産柔術衣。着心地の良さと耐久性を実現。 Made-in-Japan Quality. The masterpiece made with carefully selected materials and workmanship in Japan. 素材/Material: 綿/Cotton 100% 生地/Fabric: 上着/Jacket: 刺子地/Embossed braided fabric ズボン/Pants: 葛城/Twill fabric 生地重さ/Weight: 上着/Jacket: 435 GMS, パンツ/Pants: 265 GMS ウォッシュ加工済み/Pre-washed 収縮率: 約2.5〜4.5% Shrinkage rate: Approx. 2.5%-4.5% 色/Color:青/Blue *帯は付いていません。Belt is not included. ポイント/Point: 5%! 国内送料無料!(沖縄・離島のぞく) Free Shipping! (Domestic excluding Okinawa and other islands.) 在庫が無い場合、予約注文可。納期は1〜2ヶ月。前払いのみ。代引きご利用不可。 When out of stock, pre-order is available. Production lead time is 1-2 months. Advance payment is required. No COD is acceptable for pre-orders. 生地や縫製はすべて日本製にこだわった逸品。その生地が柔らかく抜群の着心地と動きやすさを実現。 *上衣の刺子生地は純国産品を使用し、軽量かつ高い強度を確保。 *襟には国産高級襟芯使用。やや固めで型崩れを起こしません。 *ウォッシュ加工済みなので着心地が柔らか。 *下衣は少し細身のタイプながら可動域を狭めない独自の形状。 *裾部はほつれや破れに耐えられる様しっかりと補強し縫製。 All fabrics and sewing are made and finished in Japan. The fabric is soft and provides outstanding comfort and ease of movement. *The collar is made with a Japanese-made high-grade collar core. Slightly firm and will not lose its shape. *This Gi is pre-washed so very soft and comfortable to wear. *The pants are slightly slimfit but have a unique shape that does not narrow the range of motion. *The hem is reinforced and sewn to withstand fraying and tearing.